Episode 11:

Why Change, Why Now? Kevin Dixon and the secrets to success in enterprise selling

About this episode

Special guest ⁠⁠Kevin Dixon⁠⁠ and I discuss a key factor in value selling — understanding the participants on the buying team, mapping the relationships and dynamics and coming up with a plan to address their individual and group care-abouts.

Kevin is a long term sales exec turned company founder, who has brought a powerful tool to the market. Boxxstep provides the capability to map relationships, share that information cross the sales team and to poll individual buyers post engagement to determine where sales enablement can provide support to improve individual sales people skills and capabilities.

Kevin shares many lessons learned. Selling is a team sport, just as Tammi Warfield in an earlier episode described it as a baton hand-off from one teammate to another. Kevin reiterates that the “Why Change, Why Now” conversation is a whole lot more fruitful than the “Why Us” or “Hey, isn’t this cool” conversation (I don’t think Kevin actually said cool…)

Key takeaways of our conversation:
  • Relationship mapping is the first part of a three step process to ensure effective engagement and eventual success - understand the buyers, map the gaps, come up with a plan
  • Creating a mutual action plan, or as Kevin calls it, an “outcome enablement plan” is the second step
  • And the third step is to learn from the engagement — solicit candid buying committee feedback and take action on the information.
To follow up with Kevin, you can reach him on ⁠⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠via his company ⁠⁠website⁠⁠.

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